Lars Kristian Normann Hansen 7:24pm Jun 22
Daily archives: 22. June 2016
Thainytt 2:08pm Jun 22 Fyllekjørere må vaske likhus Jan Åge Bjune 3:01pm Jun 22 Vær forsiktig hore kunde..
Monday is typically associated with a lot of coffee, but women from Scandinavian Women’s Association in Singapore have found a healthier way to kickstart a new week: the answer is football. Each Monday evening, they will gather on the green football field and release endorphines, maintain a fit lifestyle and most important: make Monday more…
Harald Hansen 12:08pm Jun 22 Fantastisk sted jeg leide gjennom AirBnb i Pattaya på Wongamat Beach. Kostet kun kr 340,- per natt og hadde alt en kan forvente + mye mer. Drar tilbake dit i desember for ny periode. Mye bedre enn både Pulman og Mirage til en brøkdel av […]
Geir Atle Larssen 11:33am Jun 22 Hei godt folk. Hvis visumet går i orden, skal min samboer reise til Norge 28. Juli. Av de selskapene som går direkte, er det fullt hos Norwegian og Thai har veldig stive priser. Er det noen av dere som har erfaring med Emirates, via […]
ThailandNytt 10:08am Jun 22 Tommy Bergane 11:24am Jun 22 Marius Thorsen
Traill launches its Golden Jubilee celebrations with the spectacular inaugural NCAA Pacific Rim Basketball Championship. Between the 13th and 15th May, Traill International School co-hosted with the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and the PE department of Thailand, the first ever NCAA Pacific Rim Basketball tournament to start their celebrations of their Golden Jubilee year. This was…
Gregers Moller 4:31am Jun 22 Every Tuesday night at 18.00 to 20,30 I help a group of Thai women learn Danish. They meet at Hotel Mermaid in Bangkok on Sukhumvit Soi 29. If you know any who would like to join they can just show up. Lasse Stålung 5:00am Jun […]
Jan Olav Wilborn Aamlid 1:39am Jun 22 Pattaya self Storage åpnet for over 2 1/2 år siden. Helt fra starten har vi hatt mange fornøyde kunder fra Thailand og resten av verden. Pattaya Self Storage er bygd spesielt for Self Storage. Her kan du lagre alt fra en koffert og […]