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Two new systems for sustainable fish farming just opened in the Vietnam Mekong Delta. The systems stables the foothold for Danish companies and enhance export to the region while making fish production greener, Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states in a press release. Fish farming in Vietnam is progressing in high pace but the traditional farming facilities…
The Swedish Royal Court has announced that Their Majesties The King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia will pay a State Visit to Indonesia on 22–24 May 2017 at the invitation of President Joko Widodo. The Swedish Government will be represented. The State Visit is an opportunity to strengthen the political, economic and cultural relations…
Thailands Tidende 9:29am Apr 2 Tre forsikringsselskaper takket nei til å forsikre norske pensjonister i Thailand. Dermed lanserte foreningen Khon Norway sin […]
12:00am Jan 1 Holder på og bestille billett til Thailand, fant noe som passet oss godt med quatar til 13631, men så […]