New website from Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce

The Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce recently announced: ”Another milestone for our chamber with the launch of our rebranded website.The visual expression of the website builds on the Team Norway profile developed in Norway for use by Norwegian industry. The new website offers a more flexible design concept allowing us to change the functionality in accordance with demand.”


”We have added special interest sections such as Legal Updates, ICT Updates, ASEAN issues and a link to the Myanmar-Norway Business Council. We will fill the pages with content as we go along. We will upload presentations from the events making them easily available to you as members. You may notice that we have already added photo albums (interlinked with our Flickr account) allowing you to download pictures from the chamber’s 2015 events. From the website, you can also download past issues of our magazine Business Review. We will keep you updated by posting news on the website, so keep following the development!”



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