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On Wednesday 7 June 2017, Nina Hvid Talvela, Minister Counsellor at the Danish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, joined the Danish Embassy in Bangkok in a meeting with Dr. Wacharapon Chotiyaputta, Director of International Livestock Cooperation in the Thailand Ministry of Agriculture. Accompanied by Peter Sand, Head of Trade Section at Embassy of Denmark in Bangkok,…
Bergens Tidende går i dag ut på lederplass med oppfordring til å avkriminalisere bruk av cannabis. Det er noe som ville vært utenkelig for få år siden. Stadig flere land avkriminaliserer cannabis. I Norge fyller vi fengsler og opptar enorme…
Bjørn Kjelstadli 3:13am Mar 22 Det årlige motorshowet starter i morgen, her er live stream fra åpningsseremonien. Phrao Dag 5:38am Mar 22 […]
On 8 March 2017 the Swedish EU Commissioner for Trade, Cecilia Malmström visited Singapore and met with several of the country’s ministers. In her blog the EU Commissioner wrote that she had discussed the free trade agreement that had been concluded between the EU and Singapore. “Once in place, it will remove nearly all customs…