For folk som har tenkt å kjøre til eller gjennom…

Kurt Gøran Andersen 9:58am Jul 7
For folk som har tenkt å kjøre til eller gjennom Thailand med eget kjøretøy, altså et kjøretøy registrert i et annet land enn Thailand – er det nå kommet nye regler. Før fikk en 30 dager temporary import på grensa til Thailand, ja jeg har sågar hørt om de som fikk 60 dager og sågar 180 dager. En 30 dagers tip kunne forlenges med nye 30 dager på nærmeste Custom office og slik kunne en holde på i opptil 6 månder. Så var det bare å stikke over nærmeste grense og begynne forfra igjen.
Nå har de imidlertid strammet kraftig inn på dette. En må nå ha permit fra Transportion department og en må gå via et travel agency, videre må en søke minst 30 dager i forveien og det ble sagt at en må krysse ut samme sted en kom inn. Pluss en masse annet papirarbeide.

Det er jo stadig "overlandere" som krysser Thailand og oppholder seg i landet en periode, som det er i andre land også og endel fikk akutte problemer med å komme inn i Thailand, dvs de kom ikke inn i landet og ble stående fast i på div grenser inn til Thailand. En sveitser som "stranda" i Kambodsja pga dette tok affære og via ambassade osv ble han til slutt innkalt til et møte med de thailandske myndigheter angående den nye situasjonen som oppsto etter den 27. juni hvor de nye lovene ble innført. Her er et referat fra det møtet:

Litt info om nye reglar mht foreign vehicle inn til Thailand.

Overland to Thailand – New regulation for foreign vehicle 1.

Some contextual info On 6th of July, a meeting with the Head of Division of International Land Transport Department in Bangkok and myself has been organised in order to discuss about various issues and consequences of this new law for overland travellers. This meeting was organised at their their initiative. ———- In order to keep the story short, I was traveling along with other friends in Cambodia when the law was enforced on 27th June 2016. I decided to use all mean in order to have the permit process boosted up, as very few time was given for me and my friends to start transiting Thailand as expected.

Contact has been taken with the Department of Land Transportation Headquarter, the situation explained, and my embassy engaged (special thanks to the Swiss Embassy in Bangkok). Given that the new regulation creates more problems than it solves, a Facebook group has been created to spread the message and collect the maximum informations and inquiries from current and future travellers seeking to go in Thailand. I flew from Siem Reap to Bangkok and attended the meeting raising all issues we bring together. The meeting was very pleasant, and the authorities showed a strong interest for us to help them enhance their new system and regulation. Yes… The DLT does not work tightly together with Customs and Immigration department. So they were doing their first experience on regulating foreigners whiling to drive their own vehicle car in Thailand.

Important to say : in the past, there was an big nationwide issue where Chinese travellers on their own vehicle were involved in dramatic accidents which did generate Thai causalities. The drivers escaped and passed the border back to China, where they couldn’t face justice. The new law is a response to these kind of acts. Too many foreigners do not take care for 3rd party insurance in case of such events, although the law does require it.

2. The new regulation for us overland travellers currently enforced All informations given here is the result of a series of question/answer I could raise during the meeting.

All types of foreign vehicles are allowed to drive in Thailand : Motorcycle, cars, Camper van (< 3.5t), camper trucks (> 3.5t) – An international Driving permit is mandatory – A 3rd party vehicle insurance is mandatory. This should be organised from the travel agency. The insurance usually costs around 40-50 USD and lasts 1 year. Minimum 1’000’000 baht damage must be covered. – A 3rd party person insurance is mandatory. This insurance is very common to have in our own country tho – There is currently no multiple entry. But the process is easier :

For the first permit, you have to apply the usual way. Once your data is registered into their system, applying a second permit is straightforward and does not require doing the whole process again. This is the part you have to be sure the travel agency doesn’t charge the same way as the first application. It is although important to inform at beginning the intended route and timeframe. The 3rd party insurance must cover both intended period. – No guided tour is mandatory. You enter and you are free to go wherever you have stated in your application process. – There is no need of proof of purchase of the vehicle – You can entry and exit at 2 different borders. You must state clearly on the permit application which border you enter and which you will exit. – In case of overstay (health of vehicle issues), you have to inform the DLT accordingly. There are no consequences as far as they are informed about the situation. – the 30 days application process can be lifted.

You need to contact your agency AND DLT in order to explain our case. They do take your case seriously. 3. How to apply The DLT gave me the reference of a tour agency whiling to process the permit. Although they were in the learning curve, they could apply the permit in the online system successfully. By the time of writing, the process is still being consolidated and needs some training for them. Aran Sisophon Travel Contact person: Mrs. Tip (+66) 0810013353 Facebook : Aran Sisophon Travel & Tours The price shall be around 5000 baht for a set. That means for everything (insurance, application, and so on) for one vehicle. Important : In order to help the process, especially if you are in a difficult situation (e.g. 30 days problem), contact directly the Headquarter of DLT through Email. I am unfortunately not allowed to give their direct phone number in here : Headquarter of Department of Land Transportation in Bangkok International Transport Affairs Group Ask for Mrs. Sawita. State very clearly you are an overland traveller. They know the rest of the whole story from now on Uttrykksikonet wink 4. What’s next ? For my surprise, they took very seriously certain suggestion I have done in order to make everyones life easier. They will be discussing with the higher authorities about making their system granting us a permit with a large period of validity and cumulated stay of 60 days. That means, no need to apply for two permits if needed to cross the country twice. Additionally, the fixed border restriction might be lifted. So lets cross fingers and hope for the best. This document might be corrected if required. Please inform me of any additional stuff that has to be inserted/corrected here. Also, feel free to share
I dag kl. 06:07


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