Danish Ambassador in Singapore leaves this summer

Berit Basse, Danish Ambassador in Singapore, is leaving the embassy this summer after four years of service due to a larger Ambassador shuffle.

She will be replaced by Dorte Bech Vizard, currently Director in the Danish Foreign Affairs department, Invest in Denmark and Innovation.

In an interview from 15th of October 2012, back when she was just assigned as the new Danish Ambassador to Singapore, she told ScandAsia how she as ”an enthusiastic 22-year-old back-packer traveling across Asia, fondly recalls her first, daylong stopover in Singapore in the mid-eighties” and that she “Even back then, it struck me as orderly and clean”.

Now, four years later, Berit Basse can take look back at four years of hectic activity in Singapore.

During her time as Ambassador, Berit Basse, has been praised for her lively assistance in developing the market for Danish investments in the financial powerhouse of Singapore, but she has also been tested to the limit when the giant Danish company OW Bunkers went bankrupt in 2014.

With a Master of Science in International Business and Politics and Intercultural Communication, Ambassador Berit Basse has always sought challenging assignments, starting with her time in Senegal with the UNDP to her prior role as Head of Department – Strategy, Quality and Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Denmark.

The Ambassador shuffle also involves changes elsewhere. Mikael Hemniti Winther, Ambassador at the Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok, is leaving Bangkok for Dhaka, Bangladesh after 5 years of service. New Ambassador in Bangkok this summer is set to be Uffe Wolfhechel, former Danish Ambassador in Kabul.



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