Nokia to supply Globe Telecom in the Philippines

Nokia and Globe Telecom, a leading telecom operator in the Philippines, on 24 October signed two Memoranda of Confirmation frame agreements – one for wireless technologies and the other for IP, Optical and SDN technologies – under which Nokia will transform Globe Telecom’s current fixed and mobile networks into a more robust network that will help Globe meet the country’s burgeoning and future digital demands.

This will enable Globe Telecom’s move to Cloud and IoT-ready networks and 5G.


Under the agreements, Globe Telecom will transition to a flexible cloud-based network infrastructure, with Nokia’s 5G-ready AirScale radio access and IP, optical and carrier SDN technology solutions providing seamless connectivity to consumers and enterprise customers. The modernized Globe network will also allow it to support the Philippine government’s initiative to further expand the availability of broadband services in the country.

The mobile network frame agreement between Nokia and Globe Telecom follows the operator’s recent access to new LTE spectrum. Nokia will deploy its 4.5G Pro technology using the 5G-ready AirScale Base Station and Flexi Zone small cells, managed by NetAct, in the Visayas and Mindanao regions, providing broadband access to some areas in these regions for the first time. Globe will also be enabled to use Mobile Edge Computing and advanced carrier aggregation techniques to deliver virtually unlimited scalability and dramatic improvements in speeds and capacity that will deliver compelling new services. The technology will also enable lower power consumption, reduced operating costs, more network automation and enhanced network performance as it transforms Globe Telecom’s customer experience for a subscriber base growing at 10 percent annually, as well as meeting increasing demand from IoT devices.

In the second frame agreement, Nokia will deliver its integrated IP and optical networking and carrier SDN technologies across the Philippines to enhance the agility, quality, performance, coverage and capacity of Globe Telecom’s enterprise data services network. This will allow Globe to deliver coverage to more regions including in the ARMM, such as Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. Using Nokia’s carrier SDN platform, Globe will also be able to provide flexible data services such as bandwidth-on-demand nationwide, and expand its offer to thousands of enterprise customers, global service providers and local government agencies as well as those serving the Information Technology-Business Process Outsourcing (IT-BPO), hospitality, education, manufacturing, retail, healthcare, logistics and finance industries.

“As the Philippines’ leading fixed and mobile service provider, we are devoted to improving people’s connected lives day-by-day. With Nokia’s innovative technologies, we are confident to lead the 5G and cloud network evolution,” said Ernest L. Cu, president and CEO of Globe Telecom.

“This is a significant agreement with a longstanding technology partner, and strengthens Nokia’s position as Globe Telecom’s premier provider of end-to-end technology solutions. We are committed to delivering technologies that allow operators to transition smoothly to intelligent, future-proof networks, offering seamless connectivity and changing how people communicate and connect,” said Mike Wang, head of the joint management team in China at Nokia.


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