Myndighetene strammer inn

Myndighetene begynner å stramme inn overfor kvalitetsturister:

The Immigration Bureau is cracking down on bogus marriages involving illegal residents in its latest drive to battle transnational crime.

Pol Lt Gen Nathathorn said that between October last year and March this year the bureau has deported a total of 486,947 foreigners who overstayed their visas and collected fines totalling 276 million baht.

Another 323,575 foreigners who overstayed their visas remain at large.

Pol Lt Gen Nathathorn said the Immigration Bureau is also stepping up a campaign against so-called visa runs in which foreigners make short trips to neighbouring countries and immediately return to Thailand with a visa to extend their stay for 15-30 days.

Mer her: Fake marriages linked to transnational crime | Bangkok Post: news

Nå er trøsten at nordmenn ikke vil bli rammet. At nordmenn har inngått pro-forma ekteskap for å få oppholdstillatelse (eller sex i tre år mot at thailandsk dame sikres opphold i Norge, overstayed visa, deltatt i kriminelle aktiviteter, osv.. er det ikke noe belegg for å tro. Blant nordmenn er det bare mors beste barn som reiser til Thailand……………………….


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