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Dag Stian Granvold 4:33am Nov 29 vere oppmerksom på nå at vist du kommer til Thailand på en mnd på fly,eller turist […]
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Arnt Sætherlien 2:27am Jun 24 SUPERTILBUD PÅ LANGTIDSFERIE 2016/2017 på Baan Norway Ja nå går det raskt mot høst og vinter og […]
They arrived in Thailand early 2012 with savings earmarked for some months of fun and travel. 4 years later, in January 2016 they cashed in big by serving almost 13.000 customers in their 3 Sandwich-franchises around Phuket. Meet young Danish Sandwich-entrepreneurs Daniel Baven, 28, and Mark Perthu-Hansen, 25, the guys behind the popular Lucky 13 Sandwich in…