Fredrik Lager joins Nordea Singapore

Mr Fredrik Lager has joined the Nordic bank Nordea as Head of Nordea Bank S.A, Singapore Branch.

“After 11 years with SEB, I decided the time was right to take on new professional challenges. As of 1 April 2017, I am General Manager for Nordea’s private banking business in Asia, headquartered in Singapore,” the well-known banker tells ScandAsia.

“The former GM, Kim Osborg Nielsen, will take up a more front office role as head of private banking where he will work directly with Nordea’s larger clients in the Region. Given my legal and tax background, I will of course be directly involved in the day-to-day business and work closely with Kim and the rest of the team,” he continues.

“I find the opportunity to work for a large international bank, which has a clear focus to further develop its private banking business and Nordic client base in Asia, very exciting. The ambition is to grow significantly in the coming years and at the same time ensuring the first class customer experience expected by today’s high-net-worth clients.”

The new GM furthermore says that the go-to-market model remains intact and Nordea wants to be the private bank of choice for Nordic clients in Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Indonesia and Malaysia.

ScandAsia congratulates Mr Fredrik Lager on his new position!


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