Former Filipino Senator pleads for Danish help in wind industry

There’s a blowing potential in the West Philippine Sea. The wind ressources that is.

Filipino businessman and former Senator, Juan Miguel Zubiri, suggest that the Filipino administration should take advantage of the wind energy in the West Philippine Sea and he mentions Denmark as the ideal partner for this.

“In the years ahead, it may be workable for us to send out floating wind turbines to the West Philippine Sea, in order to take full advantage of the high winds there for energy,” Juan Miguel Zubiri said in a news release.

The former Senator is well-known for being an advocate for clean renewable energy and in the news release he encourage the next administration to push for stronger cooperation with Denmark in developing wind reserves for power generation.

Denmark is a pioneer country concerning wind energy. 43 percent of the electricity in Denmark is produced from wind resources, most of it from offshore wind farms. The Philippines should be inspired by that and ask for Denmark’s help to investigate the possibility to put up such offshore wind farms in the West Philippine Sea, according to Juan Miguel Zubiri.

The wind turbines used by functional onshore wind farms in the Philippines, including the 150-megawatt (MW) Burgos wind farm in Ilocos Norte, are being serviced by Danish supplier Vestas Wind Systems A/S.

The West Philippine Sea is known to be rich in oil and natural gas deposits.



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