Fastelavn party in Bangkok exceeded all expectations

Princesses, pirates, superheroes and cats. There were many different costumes when Danish Women’s Network and Danes Worldwide Learning Center invited to the Danish holiday Fastelavn at Natural Park in Bangkok.

On Sunday 5 March 2015 all expectations were exceeded when around 50 children and their parents showed up to celebrate Fastelavn, a Danish tradition where people dress up in customs, hit the barrel to be crowned as King or Queen of cats, and of course eat the lovely cream filled buns made especially for the holiday, fastelavnsboller.

Lilian Parker Kaule from Danish Women’s Network was planning the party when Danes Worldwide contacted her, saying they were also planning a party. So Lilian and Steen Trolle from Danes Worldwide decided to stick their heads together and throw a joint Fastelavn.

Lilian said that when she agreed to plan the party she had been told that it was usually just a small get together. But she was proved wrong. Two days before the RSVP date just around 20 had signed up for the party, but then after the next two days, there were suddenly 93 people who wanted to attend.

“I had not in my wildest dreams imagined that so many people would show up,” said Lilian, calling it a pleasant surprise.

Fyens Bakery in Bangkok delivered lots of delicious cream buns, or fastelavnsboller, and the children happily sang along to the holiday song, fastelavnssangen.

Danish Women’s Network hopes to be able to work together with the Danes Worldwide Learning Center again in the future and organise more events for families with children.

“I think it is a strength for the kids to see that so many other children with different backgrounds also shares the same Danish culture,” said Lilian.

Photo credit: Lilian Parker Kauler


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