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Participants reviewed opportunities in Indonesia for business expansion and investment by Norwegian businesses in an Indonesian Business Discussion, initiated by the Indonesian Embassy in Oslo, Norway. The event is a follow up to the earlier bilateral meeting between the Indonesian and Norwegian Foreign Affairs Ministers in Jakarta on 30 May 2016, according to a press…
“Is it the Swedish Government’s intention that its citizens will profit from the Thai government, here in Thailand, while Thai citizens who want to work in Sweden, for example with berries, are required to have health insurance taken in Thailand?” This cannot be the case, believes the new confederation ‘Svenskföreningars samorganisation i Thailand för ja…
12:00am Jan 1 Hva med å komme og prøve vår gode mat på Baan Norway Resort i Pattaya. Dere finner oss på […]
Thainytt 6:46am Jul 22 Det blir offentlige debatter om grunnlovsforslaget – før folkeavstemminga 7. august