DTCC Christmas Lunch has been postponed


The DTCC annual Christmas Lunch has been postponed from 25 November 2016 until 27 January 2017.

In a statement, DTCC and The Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok write that this was a hard decision to make. But after thorough considerations and consultations with the Thai government institutions and related stakeholders, the Embassy and DTCC have decided to observe and follow a 100 days mourning period, as they feel that this is appropriate during this period that the people of Thailand are going through right now.

Furthermore, they write that since the end of January may seem a little far from Christmas, they have decided to rename the event to New Year Luncheon. More information about this change will be posted on the DTCC website. But, to prevent disappointment, the traditional dishes, snaps etc. and presents will still be part of the event – even in January.


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