Danish Cancer Society ask Thailand for help

A funny video for at serious cause. Help a Dane is a new campaign from the Danish Cancer Society and the Danish foundation Trygfonden asking locals in Thailand to help the Danish tourists protect themselves against the sun.

“Honourable citizens of Thailand. We Danes need your help,” says Mikael Berthelsen, a Danish TV personality, in a government-style announcement. “We Danes love your country. But there is a problem. The strong sun is harmful to our delicate skin, and everyday a Dane dies from skin cancer.”

Denmark has one of the highest cancer rates in the world, and nearly 50 times as many cases of skin cancer as Thai average. The campaign consists of videos for the top 5 holiday destination for Danes, each one in the country’s own language.

The Thai targeted video demonstrates how the sun harms the pale-skinned people of Denmark by showing two plates of spring rolls. One looking perfectly cooked with the flag of Thailand on top, and one burned to a nearly black colour next to the Danish flag.

“Remind us that every minute counts in the Thai sun, whether we’re at the beach, at the street kitchen or in the Tuk-Tuk,” continues the presenter after showing a number of Danes with strange looking sunburns. He then suggests different ways Thai can help the poor Danes and asks them to kindly sign up as volunteers for Help a Dane.


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