Yearly archives: 2017
9:56am Sep 3 Interessert i bil i Thailand eller har bil i Thailand?Bli gjerne med i gruppa for de likesinnede 😉
11:40am Sep 2 Vi fortsetter kronerullingen en måned til. Mangler drøyt 30 prosent av målbeløpet. Kom igjen!
10:49am Sep 2 Takk for bidraget og attesten! Tror ikke vi kunne sagt det bedre selv. Til dere andre: Målet er ikke nådd ennå, så det er lov å støtte opp!
10:40am Sep 1 Septemberutgaven er distribuert! Finner du ikke en papirutgave så les e-avis (gratis abonnement:– Norsk thaibokser på 2,07 meter (s. 15)– Moderne soppdyrking kan være lukrativt (s. 17)– Rapport nr. 14 fra Landsbylivet i Isan (s. 19)– Thailands største klesmarked (s. 20)– Hvordan livnære seg på online […]
73 female workers fainted at an H&M garment factory on Wednesday 30 August 2017 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. However, no problems were found with the factory during a following inspection completed by Labor Ministry officials and local authorities. The workers who fainted at the Berry Apparel factory at about 8:30 were found to have low…
Education officials from Vietnam are in Finland to learn about the country’s education programs from elementary school to undergraduate level. A delegation led by Phung Xuan Nha, Minister of Education, held talks with their Finnish counterparts on Monday 28 august 2017. The purpose of the talks is to acquire the rights to publish Finnish educational…
One of the many highly interesting events taking place as part of the ‘Finland 100 at Singapore Innovation Week’ official programme is the Women in Tech Conference (Asia). Women In Tech is run by a Finn; entrepreneur/business kickstarter Jenni Risku. The initiative, which is held in association with SWITCH week (Singapore Week of Innovation and…
Foo Fighters trenger vel ingen introduksjon, men her får du en likevel. Dette er nemlig bandet Nirvana-trommisen David Grohl startet etter Nirvana. Jeg har aldri vært like stor fan av Foo Fighters som av Nirvana. Der Nirvana var upolerte, deppa med en selvironisk og humoristisk undertone, tidvis eksperimentelle og delvis […]