5:30pm Aug 18 Hei, er det noen som har noe fine statuer, bilder eller plakater av/tilknyttet Thailand som de vil gi bort?
Daily archives: 18. August 2017
4 posts
Do not judge a book by its cover – is an idiom you hear often. However, at the Shanghai Book Fair that started this week, Swedish designer Elina Warsta considers a book’s design the link between a writer and a reader. The Shanghai Book Fair started on August 16 2017 at the Shanghai Exhibition Center…
The event Finnish your Dinner Under the Sky (Grand Dinner Party) takes place in Kuala Lumpur on 26 August 2017. Around a dozen Finnish embassies, missions and friendship societies abroad are setting long dinner tables all at the same time somewhere in a public space in their own citied, inviting local residents to join in.…