Daily archives: 11. August 2017
Helsinki: a city in the cold north with about 620.000 citizens. Singapore: a city just above the Equator with a population of 5.6 million. There is a 9274.65 km flightdistance between to two cities. So what do they have in common? Well, they are both excellent places to live if you are looking to work…
Modern slavery increases more rapidly in Europe – including in Denmark, Sweden and Finland – than in any other part of the world. This is happening do to the intensifying number of migrants coming to Europe these years, new research shows. The report also points to many Asian countries, where people being forced to work…
Kunne tenke meg å lage en tråd om ting som skjer rundt omkring i Thailand. Tenker da på en ren informasjons-tråd for ting som skal skje fremover. Vi er vel spredd over store deler av landet og det skjer ting overalt – men det er umulig for en person å […]