Rolf Galåsen 9:00am Mar 9 Fløy med Thai t/r Bkk i des. Brukte mitt Eurobonus gull kort. Første gang dette gir null eurobonus poeng.Har sjekket, viser seg at Thai ikke gir poeng på alle reiser. Hans-Petter Kristiansen 9:10am Mar 9 Hvilken bookingklasse var dette? De skal vel gi opptjening på […]
Monthly archives: March 2017
Pereric Hogberg, Ambassador of Sweden to Vietnam, launched a photo competition highlighting gender equality in Vietnam on Monday 6 March 2017. In connection to the International Women’s Day on March 8th, the Embassy of Sweden in Hanoi, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Vietnam Women’s Museum is launching a national contest searching for families…
”H&M group is one of the leading fashion retailers globally when it comes to sustainability and have for many years put great efforts to improve working conditions and strengthen workers’ rights in the countries where our products are manufactured. Our local presence in the production countries, including Myanmar, is essential in this work,” writes H&M…
Geir Ove Sæther Hansen 2:22am Mar 9 Sliter med katter som pisser ned det meste ute her og er veldig glad i å ripe opp salene på syklene….noen gode tips om hvodan få stoppet dette på en grei måte? Ole Kenneth Dusegard 2:36am Mar 9 Sennep og pepper Per A. […]
Petter Kaltoft 1:19am Mar 9 Hei idag blir det tomatsuppe med egg og fleskepannekake 215.- b buffetbirdet er klart kl 12 velkommen
Arne Fjeldsbö 2:03pm Mar 8 Ny kampanje hos Qatar, bestill før 21 mars avslutt reise senest 20 juni Arne Bunæs 10:48pm Mar 8 Business til BKK var langt fra billig! Finnair lå 4000 kr billigere på samme dato, dvs ca 14000,- t/r.
Marius Andre Mek 9:54am Mar 8 Honda Phantom 200 cc฿35,000 – Hua Hin Great little bike, new clutch, engine gaskets and full service the other day. Chrome is intact so the bike looks good. Green book in my name, tax paid for and have 7 months left i think. 123xx […]
Øystein Larsen 8:59am Mar 8 Øystein Larsen 9:00am Mar 8 Kan jo være noe snæks her 🙂
“Is it the Swedish Government’s intention that its citizens will profit from the Thai government, here in Thailand, while Thai citizens who want to work in Sweden, for example with berries, are required to have health insurance taken in Thailand?” This cannot be the case, believes the new confederation ‘Svenskföreningars samorganisation i Thailand för ja…
Trond Erik Fredriksen 4:59am Mar 8 Noen som vet ca pris på Honda Shadow, Shadow Slasher, 400cc. Jørn Martinsen 7:15am Mar 8 De ligger på fra 100.000 til 150.000thb. Kommer an på årsmodell, km-stand og hvor "pene" de er.