Petter Paulsen 6:19pm Mar 24 Hei, Thai Airways fyller 57 år i disse dager, og har lagt ut et tilbud som de kaller "Spesialpriser". I Economy er det god pris, Business ligger et stykke etter "Sandkasse" selskapene. Paul Fjørtoft 6:44pm Mar 24 "Sandkasse" selskapene er nå best da.Ingen over…ingen ved […]
Daily archives: 24. March 2017
Hans Hennum 4:00pm Mar 24 vil bli betaling for firma her, Gratis for private Jens Bertil Hebbe Elmelid 4:16pm Mar 25 Men det är bra att Hövdingen öppnat på soi PostOffice äntligen har vi fått en skandinavisk resturang som håller klass Tore Lereggen 7:30pm Mar 25 Er dette seriøst?
Motorcycles are roaring, leaves rattle and every now and then a twig snaps under a shoe as a group of people, trying to protect the place they call home, gather deep inside of Cambodia’s biggest forest, Prey Lang. As one of Southeast Asia’s last remaining lowland evergreen woodlands, Prey Lang, which translates to ‘our forest’…
As part of the strategy to attract foreign investment, the 2013 reduction of its corporate income tax level to 20% saw the country’s corporate tax rate become the second lowest in the ASEAN bloc, behind only Singapore. Two years later, in 2015, Thailand’s Board of Investment (BOI) announced a seven-...
Being a kid of expats you grow up dealing with many languages; the local language which you talk in the streets, the language you speak to your parents at home, and English when you are at school. But at NIST International School in Bangkok, kids can also get Swedish on their school schedule. “Bli en…
Per Ingar Humstad Jr. 2:00am Mar 24 Prøv en av Høvdingens hjemmelagede supper i dag, enkelt, godt og rimelig. Velkommen innom Hans Hennum 4:04pm Mar 24 vil bli betaling for firma her, Gratis for private
Per Ingar Humstad Jr. 3:00am Mar 24 Dagens utvalgte i dag, Fredag 24 Mars på Høvdingen. Velkommen inn