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Hans-Petter Kristiansen 10:44pm Jul 13 Sletta en post ang no relgions opplegg. Hold dere til tema når dere poster //Admin
As part of the strategy to attract foreign investment, the 2013 reduction of its corporate income tax level to 20% saw the country’s corporate tax rate become the second lowest in the ASEAN bloc, behind only Singapore. Two years later, in 2015, Thailand’s Board of Investment (BOI) announced a seven-…
Arne Evensen 8:12am Dec 3 Jeg holder meg til årvisse, mon emigranter visa
Mads Johnsen 1:55pm Jun 19 Hei, håper noen gidder hjelpe. Reiser til Thailand 3. juli og blir til 7. august. Har planlagt […]