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Runar Wagelie 12:34am Sep 28 Denne lille krabaten klatret så fint rett opp veggen?. Det er en frosk men vet ikke om […]
On 21-24 June 2017 two Swedish solutions providers within manufacturing, one being a production improvement consultant and the other an ERP system service, successfully exhibited at the Manufacturing Expo 2017 in Bangkok. They are Virtual Manufacturing (now with offices and personnel in both Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur) and Monitor ERP System Southeast Asia (with presence…
Esben Hansen 8:56pm Sep 21 Hei noen som vet om man kan overføre /selge flybilletten til Thailand og hvor mye dette koster.Har […]
12:00am Jan 1 Har Norwegian sluttet å fly direkte fra OSL til BKK? ?