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Ole Kristoffersen 2:32pm Jul 4 Kanskje ikke så relevant, men en kan undre litt hvorfor visa fee til Norge er 8000 nkr, […]
On April 24 the Embassy of Sweden in Kuala Lumpur, the Swedish Institute and representatives from Lund University and the Royal Institute of Technology KTH organized a pre-departure event for 28 students from Malaysian universities accepted for post-graduate university studies in Sweden. The Ambassador of Sweden Mr Dag Juhlin-Dannfelt started the event by giving the…
Winners of the ‘Equal families in Vietnam’ photo contest were honoured at a ceremony in Hanoi on Wednesday 21 June 2017. Nguyen Huu Thong from Hanoi won the first prize with his photo ‘Sharing at work’ which features a smiling old couple working together on a farm. “The contest conveys a message of humanism,” Thong…
Tim Aase 2:19pm Dec 2 Hei. Er det nokon som veit om det er mulig å søke D-Visum på barn 13år i […]