Noen som vet om de viser vintersport fra norske tv kanaler på Little Norway ?
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Geir Atle Larssen 5:21pm Dec 6 Hvis noen savner en touch av Norge, når det gjelder mat og godsaker, kan dette være […]
Do not judge a book by its cover – is an idiom you hear often. However, at the Shanghai Book Fair that started this week, Swedish designer Elina Warsta considers a book’s design the link between a writer and a reader. The Shanghai Book Fair started on August 16 2017 at the Shanghai Exhibition Center…
Terje Morten Øksendal 8:46am Jun 6 Tenkte å skrive en velment advarsel til dere som skal kjøpe flybilletter; IKKE bruk Kjøpte […]
Laarni Peredes has accomplished a challenge no other Filipino, except her husband, has done before—finish the demanding Isklar Norseman Xtreme Triathlon in Norway. The 38-year-old Paredes crossed the finish line of the Norwegian triathlon race on August 6 2017, making it a purely family affair with husband Omar. “It was very hard because of the…