KTH, Sweden at Smart City Hong Kong

The APAC Innovation Summit 2016 Series – Smart City was held at the Grand Hall, Science Park the 22 – 23 September 2016, including a speaker from Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). This 2-day conference and business matching event focused on the global megatrend of smart city development and latest trends in smart city technologies and applications.


Representing KTH Dr. Olga Kordas held a keynote speech and discussed the collaborative pathways towards smart cities based on the experience of Sweden. As a supporting organisation of the summit the Consulate General of Sweden and Consul General Helena Storm also attended the conference.

Olga Kordas is the Director of the Energy Platform at KTH, responsible for  facilitating interdisciplinary energy research and enhancing collaboration with industry, local authorities and other societal stakeholders in Sweden and internationally. The KTH energy community affiliated with the Energy Platform consists of more than 500 researchers and 15 research centres joining efforts to pave the way for a future energy system.


Olga is the initiator and coordinator of the Swedish national Strategic Innovation Agenda for Smart Sustainable Cities and a leader of a Thematic Partnership ReNERGY “Shared visions of sustainable energy systems in cities of the Baltic Sea Region”. She is leading a research group “Urban Analytics and Transitions” at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering (SEED). Her main research areas are complex system simulation, energy system analysis, and normative scenarios for strategic energy planning.

Among many other assignments she is a member of scientific committee for International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and Education and for Biennial International Workshop “Advances in Energy Studies”.


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