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The celebration of 45 years of Vietnam-Denmark relations was done in style at the Hanoi Opera on 25 October 2016, with the two countries’ official representatives and colleagues in attendance. A range of magnificent performances from both Danish and Vietnamese artists, such as Saveus, Uppercut Danseteater, Thanh Lam, Tung Duong, and Le Cat Trong Ly,…
Indonesia’s Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has highlighted the country’s ambition to develop into an international maritime hub and modernize its fisheries in 2017. Embassy of Denmark in Indonesia were happy to join Minister Ibu Susi Pudjiastuti and General Secretary Pak Rifky Hardijanto to discuss how Denmark can support Indonesia’s plan to mature infrastructure and facilities in…
Rune Furuli 7:14pm Jul 29 Felles ferien nærmer seg slutten i scandinavia.del dine ferie minner her inne
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Tyske forskere gjorde en undersøkelse hvor 500 menn deltok. Den ene halvparten
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