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Tor M Johannesen 9:24am Feb 14 Jeg satt på rommet mitt mens de vaska det. Hun gikk inn på do med en […]
ScandAsia met up in southern Thailand with Mr Conny Andersson, who can appropriately be seen as a ‘travelling chef’, having been on assignments as a cook to far-flung corners of the world. The setting and the timing could not have been more appropriate. We wanted to learn more about how he attended – during his…
S’pore being the second country in the world with most incidents of diabetes, the Health Promotion Board of Singapore aims to boost the public health in Singapore. After studying Denmark’s health cooperation, they have found a “whole” new way to do it. The answer is the Fuldkornspartnerskabet. It’s directly translated to The Whole Grain Partnership,…
A Finnish Innovation Event was arranged in Singapore on 24 February with the companies with Silverskin, AirGo, Management Events and PlayGain in session at the Aalto Executive Education Academy. Opening words for the evening event came from professor and author Dr. Kirsti Lindberg-Repo. It also saw business innovation presentations by Silverskin, Airgo, Management Events and…