Finnish education highlighted in Kuala Lumpur

BETT Asia education leadership summit was organized in Kuala Lumpur 15-16 November. Renowned Finnish education expert Pasi Sahlberg was the keynote speaker on the first day of the conference. He shared his interpretation of Finland´s notable success in international PISA rankings.

Five key traits of the Finnish system were highlighted: 1) equity – access to education for all, 2) collaboration, 3) creativity – give teachers certain autonomy to find best teaching practices, 4) Trust-based responsibility and 5) professionalism – being a teacher is a very coveted profession in Finland. The Finnish system prefers learning through play instead of rigorous tests from early on.

Another Finn, Saku Tuominen, presented the HundrED education innovation project at the summit. The project seeks to publish 100 Finnish and 100 global education innovation practices during next year. HundrED is a part of Finland’s 100th anniversary celebrations of 2017.

In connection with the summit, an exhibition of education providers was organized. A few Finnish e-learning companies set up their booth to market their services. Finnish education export is growing and the booming gaming industry in Finland contributes to this.

A Finnish educational start-up company, Kokoa Agency, was rewarded with an education innovation award. Teachers and former learning unit designers at Rovio, the company that developed the Angry Birds game, founded the company.

Source: Embassy of Finland, Kuala Lumpur


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