Finnish xEdu acceleration program begins Hong Kong start-up piloting

The Finnish xEdu acceleration program alumni companies are starting pilots with 24 schools in Hong Kong at the beginning of April with the support of HKEdCity platform. This is the first time ever that edtech products coming from the Nordics are trialled in schools of Hong Kong.

All of the companies Bomberbot, Mightifier and Seppo are from the first batch of xEdu start-up accelerator. Their products focus on developing the students’ 21st century skills, namely problem-solving, innovation and creativity, social skills, teamwork, health and wellness and ICT skills. The same skills are in the heart of the new Finnish curriculum, introduced last fall.

“What sets these products apart from any ordinary edtech solution is the fact that there is a strong pedagogical background in all of them. The products have been granted the Kokoa Standard, which means they have undergone a rigorous evaluation by Finnish pedagogical experts and proven to promote the 21st century skills”, comments Stuart Patton, Chairman of the Hong Kong FinnCham Education Committee, and co-founder of Polkuni HK representing the best Finnish Edu-products.

In December 2016, xEdu, Polkuni HK and Hong Kong Education City signed a memorandum of understanding which opens up the possibility for the start-ups to pilot Finnish solutions in Hong Kong schools.

The pilots will go on for one year, and the impact is being assessed throughout the project.

Source: Consulate General of Finland in Hong Kong and Macao, xEdu


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