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Thomas Krussedull 4:06pm Jan 10 Heisann. Jeg flyr ned til Thailand igjen i starten av Februar. Noen som har erfaring med Finair? […]
Odd Erik Sæthre 5:28am Nov 5 I går fikk Kjos (Norwegian) lov av Putin å fly over Russisk territorium. Dermed blir reisetiden […]
Peter Jensen from Denmark who was imprisoned in Thailand for two years, now tastes freedom for the first time since he was convicted. Three weeks ago, the 50-year-old from Northern Jutland in Denmark was escorted home from Thailand where he had been incarcerated in one of the world’s most notorious prisons for almost two years.…
Thailand Info 3:13pm May 11 http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/transport/968613/hua-hin-rayong-to-get-high-speed-trains