Many university students today take a part of their degree abroad. If you ask the students, the reasons are many: to compliment your degree, improve your CV, learn a language, form an international network, travel around and get some great experiences. In Scandinavia, studying abroad is also in trend. 29.000 Swedish students studied abroad in the study year 2014-15.…
Monthly archives: August 2016
On 27 August peace negotiations saw a breakthrough in Oslo, Norway between the Philippine Government and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines negotiations. The parties signed a historic joint declaration. They have reached agreement on all the points on the agenda for this round of negotiations. They have confirmed previous agreements and renewed an…
Tore Audun Johnsen 12:35pm Aug 28 Anyone who know this person and his relatives? Tore Audun Johnsen 1:00pm Aug 28 Fikk nettopp følgende tilbakemelding ; So… Tom passed away earlier today. His family have now been informed in Australia. May he rest in peace.
Tore Audun Johnsen 12:31pm Aug 28 Anyone who know this person or relatives? Tore Audun Johnsen 12:58pm Aug 28 Fikk nettopp denne meldingen ; So… Tom passed away earlier today. His family have now been informed in Australia. May he rest in peace. Zepp Sparrow 2:02pm Aug 28 Foerer kortet […]
James fra Sverige har laget denne flotte videoen fra en tur til Thailand og Singapore tidligere i år. Alt er filmet med et GoPro Hero 4 kamera. Bra redigert og fin musikk ikke sant?
Sigur Syvertsen 5:28am Aug 28 På Karon var det litt mere hustrig – mere åpent ut til havet enn Patong som er mere skjermet.Litt mere liggeunderlag her og parasoller – men så ut som de holdt seg til soner for dette.Var litt mere vågale og oppfinnsomme i å skaffe turistene […]