Daily archives: 6. July 2016
On 7 July 2016 the Danish Minister of Food and the Environment, Esben Lunde Larsen, travels to Singapore to participate in the Singapore International Water Week to share and co-create solutions with Danish and international companies and global decisions makers. The export of Danish water technology has increased circa 25 percent in less than 10…
Thainytt 4:42am Jul 6 “Tredje kjønn” i Thailand skal få separate fengsler Rolf Kjosmoen 6:42am Jul 6 Hvis de andre missbruker de sexuelt så er vel også de under "tredje kjønn" homofile etc.. er de ikke???
Bjørn Erik Pedersen 4:09am Jul 6 Måtte booke i hu og hast fly til Oslo natt til i dag. Endte opp med Emirates avg 02:45 i natt og retur til BKK den 21. Juli.Prisen ble til slutt på 8500,- kr.Synes det er tøffe priser….. Otto Løvaas 4:13am Jul 6 Ja […]
Antennae Aus 3:10am Jul 6 Learning Thai LanguageThai language for the jobs,Thai culture you need to know when you are in Thailand.Private learning.Please contact us Line ID: koenigseggs whatsapp:+66923671529Email:koenigseggs@hotmail.comWe are located at Bangkok, Ramkamhaeng 43/1.Lessons are useful and it’ll be essential for the Foreigners.https://www.facebook.com/Learning-Thai-Language-1595731147423888/