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Sigur Syvertsen 9:38pm Aug 30 Konklusjonen etter strandtturene var at det så ut som de hadde forskjelliig paksis når det gjaldt ligge […]
12:00am Jan 1 Trafikken i Bangkok i 1968..
When learning all about how Lifestyle Asia came into being and grew into the recognised online platform for luxurious lifestyle it is today one can only nod in approval to how true their tagline ‘Pioneering the online luxury space’ is. Hearing their story, told by co-founder and Singapore-based Richard Nilsson, also gives perspective on the…
Souce:http://www.aftenposten.no/verden/To-nordmenn-omkom-i-Vietnam-608730b.html Utenriksdepartementet bekrefter at to nordmenn har mistet livet i Vietnam. Ifølge VG omkom de i en bussulykke. To norske statsborgere omkom […]