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Fred B Eilertsen 5:08am May 29 Er det noen, som vet om det er noe problem for Thaier, som skal på besøk […]
The Danish Maritime Authority and the Chinese Bureau of Water Transport held a maritime consultation meeting on Wednesday 14 June 2017. The Danish Maritime Authority and the Chinese Bureau of Water Transport under the Chinese Ministry of Transport exchanged views on the two countries’ cooperation in the maritime field as well as on the general…
A Norwegian topsides platform is ready to be sent home to Norway from Singapore. On 24 May 2016, the topsides to Ivar Aasen will sail away to Trondheim, which will be marked with a huge celebration by oil company Det norske oljeselskap ASA (Det norske) beginning from early morning. The ceremony itself will start at 9.30am at Sembcorp…